Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Valentine's Day has come and gone again. How was it? How did you celebrate Valentine's Day? Well, Ryan and I really didn't have anything big planned for hearts day; we just wanted to hang out with each other and have a fun time. Since we both worked during the day, we made plans for dinner ~ a buffet dinner at Hanaki's. It's Japanese buffet style restaurant in Manoa and I think I ate way too much because I had a huge pouch sticking out of my stomach...well, more-so than usual. For the rest of the night we watched some tv and lounged around. Ohhh, I received two bouquet of roses; one from my boss and the other was from Ryan! All in all, it was a nice hearts day and I had a really fun time. I hope all of you had just as fun of a day.
Gas CapThere's a proposal to suspend Hawai'i's gasoline price caps. It's about bloody time! According to this proposal, the suspension would begin July 1st and last for 18 months. The gas cap law first went into effect September 1, 2005 and the results since have been mixed. Granted Hawaii has the highest prices in the U.S. but I was totally against the gas cap law from the right begin! This bad law only caps wholesale prices. With that, when you add it up with the individual station gasoline tax and retailer markup (other cost and expenses), what we end up paying at the pump is still high. Frick, you have to watch the news each week to find out whether gasoline prices would fall or go up and by how much. Then you have people like myself ~ if the price goes up, to fill up on Sunday or wait until Monday if the price goes down because thats when the new cap goes into effect for the week. So this is a game between us drivers and the gas stations due to the pricing volatility! Initially those that approved for this law said, it will be good in the long run and will realize savings at the pump as it was designed to link Hawai'i's historically stable but high prices and bring it in line with those on the mainland. But it hasn't done that yet because prices have been more volatile and we're still rated as the highest in the nation! The gas price goes up and down each week and to my honest opinion, I don't think the cap has contributed to lower prices. In fact, it has led to higher prices! Also you tend to spent more time driving around trying to shop for better prices. Good thing for COSTCO but hey I am all 100 percent for this gas cap suspension proposal!!!
Tom-Kat Breakup?Without fail, each week we tend hear about one or two reports of a celebrity break-up. Last week was Ralph Fiennes and his partner, Francesca Annis and this week's is Tom Cruise and his fiancee, Katie Holmes. A story in the Life & Style magazine says that Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes have agreed to call off their wedding and, ultimately, to split. Also they plan to keep up the charade of a romance until after their baby's birth this spring. Reps for both Cruise and Holmes issued denial reports claiming that "Mr. Cruise and Ms. Holmes are still engaged and are moving forward with their wedding plans, as well as planning for the arrival of their child." I guess we just gotta sit back and wait it out for awhile longer to find out the actual truth.
and...I do mean Welcome! Selamat Datang! Aloha! I extend a warm welcome and am glad that you could stop by and read my blog. It simply contains general musings and ramblings about things that concern and/or interest me.
So kick back, click away and don't forget...enjoy your visit!
"So you want to know me? Romantic and logical ~ Loyal and always true ~ Funloving crazy and very quiet when needed ~ Sensible and down to sum it up, I guess I'm pretty much a "nice girl", hopefully in a good way, who's also a bit of a geek"
Here I am as perfect as I'm ever going to be.
You'll see, love me for me.
Stick around, I'm not the kind of girl you wanna leave.
You'll see, love me for me.
Name: perisblurbs
Date of Birth: November 5
Birthstone: topaz